Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Should You Write a Book Now?

By the way it is the Information Age!

What do Christine Comaford Lynch who wrote "Rules for Renegades", Tim Ferris who wrote "The 4-Hour Work Week", and I who wrote "Networlding" have in common? At first glance, little or nothing. But look further and you will see that, besides making it to a best-seller list of some type, we all used our books to grow our businesses in ways that no other marketing or sales initiative can accomplish. Now you can achieve the same thing for your business by creating your own, unique book or booklet that sells you, helping you acquire new accounts, speaking engagements and even new market opportunities much faster.

Additionally, it is even more important in these uncertain times to have some kind of product to help you build new business opportunities while you may be working on current clients or customers. Further, for the first time, I am adding two additional coaching sessions, valued at $300 to my experiential writing workshop to help you get your book finished in the shortest time possible. Additionally, I am now able to offer an ongoing online circle of support exclusively for those who attend the workshop. You will also then be able to get peer support from others, like you, writing for the first time.
So how did I develop the workshop you will be taking? I studied the best-selling books out there over the last 15 years. I also analyzed the structure of best sellers and found there is a real pattern that best selling authors use to appeal to the largest group of potential and existing customers possible. Also, after eleven books (now working on number twelve), I have learned many important secrets to successful book writing. These include:

  • you don't have to be on The New York Times bestseller list to be successful with your book.

  • your book will be timely for years (trust me on this one) making it your best marketing investment.

  • you can actually turn your book authoring into a profit rather than cost center.

  • you will rise above your competition as a thought leader.

  • your book will sell you even when you are not present.

  • you don't have to write your book yourself. I'll share all ghostwriting "in's and out's."

  • you will develop your industry credibility and showcase your capabilities more effectively.

  • you will be able to grow a number of other products (I'll show you how) to make even more profit, - your book will make a difference in the lives of those who read it.

I coach because I love it. I continue the workshops because I keep getting requests to run them. This is not my core business--many think it should be. It's not easy to write a book, but I am able to make it much easier for you. I don't take a "smoke-and-mirrors approach". I share all my best strategies, tactics and writing, design and publishing resources. I also share the advantages and disadvantages of self publishing and what it takes to publish with the big publishers. I have published with five publishers. I also make introductions to agents I know when appropriate.

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